Jack Novansy

Jack Novansy, PharmD

Wellness Coach/Personal Trainer

When it comes to health and fitness, Dr. Novansy believes in sustainability over all else! "Sure, there are great 12-week programs, 1-month challenges, 90-day transformations, but at the end of the day, when you finish that, what's next?" - Dr. Novansy Using his extensive background in fitness, Dr. Novansy works with his clients individually to teach them how to build sustainable diet and exercise routines. This, he believes, leads to better longterm results compared to just handing his clients another short-term solution. Ready to start working on your long-term fitness journey? Contact Dr. Novansy at jack@avantpharmacy.com to set-up your free consultation and get started today!

Jack Novansy, PharmD